There The Light Press Kit


Fact Sheet

Release Date: 31st May 2019

Platforms: Steam (PC & Mac)

Languages: English

Developer: CasualBebop - based in the UK

Publisher: CasualBebop

Pricing: $10.99 / £8.29 / €8.99





About There The Light

There The Light is the first release from solo developer CasualBebop

Music by: Hash Brown & CasualBebop

Sound Design: Eddie Eisinger & CasualBebop

Explore an unknown and abandoned world. Each step, each puzzle, brings you closer to discovering the history and secrets of a lost civilization. Can you find the light?

There The Light is a single-player, first-person puzzle exploration game. The game is split into 4 separate linear levels, each takes you deeper into the heart of the planet. It features an immersive world where story, visuals and music are merged together in interesting and creative ways. There The Light features 50 puzzles, and a soundtrack that grows and forms based on the interactions that you make in-game.

The world & story

There The Light depicts a fictional world which faced a catastrophic disaster leaving it abandoned. It was important for me to base the world and narrative on issues that effect our own planet, namely Climate Change and our dependence on fossil fuels. This is the main narrative that runs throughout the game, and is experienced by the player through hand-drawn murals.

Alongside this, sits an obscured narrative that discusses key changes in our understanding of Astronomy, Astrophysics and our place in the Universe. This can be discovered by the player through drawings and imagery found across each level.

These narratives are what inspired me to start creating There The Light, however I wanted to leave the narrative open for each player to interpret for themselves. I think this is the games biggest strength; it’s a nuanced story which encourages the player to come up with their own questions and answers.
